Posts Tagged ‘crime’

Video Games are Good for Children – EU Report


Re–blog from the Guardian.

Finally some scientific proof of what my intuition told me all along. Most people in my generation – born in the 80’s – has grown up playing video and computer games, and most of us turned out all right. As a matter of fact I think it did us good, or as the paper has it:

Video games can stimulate learning of facts and skills such as strategic thinking, creativity, cooperation and innovative thinking, which are important skills in the information society.

How to Make Money on Facebook: Extortion


Re–blog from Silicon Alley Insider.

There seem to be news about scams on and criminal usage of the social web every day. Please, be careful of what you share on the Web and with whom. And that goes offline as well; otherwise it might end up on the Web one day without you every knowing about it.