Posts Tagged ‘exhibition’

Charlie Koolhaas: True Cities


Re–blog from VernissageTV.

The exhibition True Cities, by Dutch artist and sociologist Charlie Koolhaas at Architekturforum Aedes in Berlin, try to bring the World into one place. The concept is to show how connected the Globe is using photos from the four cities of Guangzhou, Dubai, Lagos, and London.

I find this naive view on photography’s mimetic qualities problematic. Of course Koolhaas herself is aware of this and states that as soon as you make collections they start to form communities of their own. So in a sense this art work is self-fulfilled.

The idea that each city is identified by it’s density or emptyness of space grabbed my attention. This definition by negation of space is worth contemplating. Could the same statement be made for the human mind?

Mark Barrow, Anthony Pearson, Blinky Palermo


Re–blog from ArtCal.

I’ve always fascinated by self–reflexive art and art that cross the border of it’s own medium. In this exhibition, at the Lisa Cooley Fine Art gallery in New York, Mark Barrow’s work is what got my attention. I myself play a lot with the intersection between painting and photography. Photos from the exhibition can be viewed at the gallery website.

Erik Lindman


Re–blog from ArtCal.

Erik Lindman’s first solo exhibition at V&A New York. I love his minimalistic paintings, specially Shadazz &#8212 found a bit down on this page. (Judging by his name I guess he has Swedish ancestors.)

CutUp “Non-linear Harbinger Sytems”


Re–blog from SHIFT.

And be sure to visit British art collective CutUp’s own website, where you can watch a video and lots of photos of their art. Their next exhibition will be at the James Taylor Gallery in East London.

Every Sound You Can Imagine


Marc Weidenbaum has posted 10 photos on his blog Disquiet from the exhibition Every Sound You Can Imagine held at the New Langton Arts in San Francisco. The exhibition is guest curated by Christoph Cox, well known critic and experimental music guru. He has also written an essay available online at the exhibition site.

What I would give up to visit that exhibition! Thank you very much Marc for sharing this with the rest of us!

New Art From the Middle East at The Saatchi Gallery, London through May 9th, 2009


Re–blog from Art Observed.